If I can't do the Running Man when I feel like it in the club, then clearly I am not going...
Sorry 50, you won't find me in the club.
Let's make this clear and final. The club is not somewhere I like to go.
I am not 'hating' or being a loser, but if i am going somewhere dressed up uber-fly and have to be surrounded by music then I am dancing.
Dance like no one is watching.
There is time and a place to look 'crute', but if I'm trying to "Get It Started" up in here, then I should reserve the right to wear jeans. Places like Dream or H20 will never appeal to my tastes because who can dance to "We Sum Head Bussas"? Show me the dance to this song. What slow dance will I pull out when "Lovers and Friends" is put on the turntable. I can only listen to Lil Jon' and Bobby Valentino in desperate situations.
There is better way to spend $20 dollars of my hard earned money. I could buy a casual shirt or sandals. The possibilities are endless. Twenty dollars up in the club is simply a waste. When you tally up the prices, it resembles something like a MasterCard commercial.
Club Entry: 20 dollars
Drink Purchase : 7 to 10 dollars
Water: 3 to 5 dollars
MOET : 50 to 100 dollars
VIP Reserve: 50 to 500 dollars
DJ : Usually whack as hellFor all that I could be at home, in my basement, with a bottle of Merlot, listening to some real music, and doing every dance known to man for under 20 dollars.
If I start remembering dance routines from elementary school you are in trouble, yo.
I will make it 1993 so fast your head will spin.
Spin like a
SOLID GOLD dancer!
People need to loosen up nowadays. Looking cute in the club only makes you look extra stuck up.
Stop pretending that you are not able to sweat a little. Half the women in the spot by their stuff at Forever "Fall Apart at the seams" 21 in the FIRST place! That alone gives you full permisson to cut a rug in that snug ass ruffle top.