From the Boards of a Site I support:
The poster known as poetx is indeed a fool:
How many times have you thought (or posted), "dang, why can't WE ever say the n-word without being subject to castigation, threats, and e-mean-mugging? pssh. you need, THE CARD!!! If you've ever heard those people talking about someone getting their 'card' revoked, this is the card of which they speak. and, thanks to the wonders of capitalism and market saturation, for a limited time only, we are making The Card available to others not of our persuasion!!!
act now to get Nigga Priviliges (tm) for the low, low price of:
* 400 years of chattel slavery
* 20-40 million (who's counting, though?) dead ancestors
* annihilation of your cultural record
* 160 years of apartheid
* incarceration of up to a third of your young adult males
* continuing housing and employment discrimination
* appropriation and exploitation of what culture you are able to reassemble under such abject conditions
what do you get with NiggaPrivileges?? Glad you should ask!!!
You, my prospectivenigga, get:
- ability to craft "I hate (former/current oppressive majority racial group) posts". boy that shit is fun and sooooo fulfilling. nothing like seeing the look on the faces of (former/current oppressive majority racial group) faces (whiten/redden/yellow/darken) with fury as you make up for centuries of genocide with the deep hurt that only powerless words can inflict!!!!! NiggaPrivileges is worth it for this benefit alone!!!
- ability to wear " (oppressed minority) Pride" shirts without being seen as intimidating {this offer good only in certain northern cities and major metropolitan areas -- in the South or in rural areas lacking critical concentration of (oppressed minority), backlash may apply"
- ability to be seen as 'cool' and 'hip' by (former/oppressive majority).
- ability to enjoy positive stereotyping. THIS one is great also. i get SOOOOO much pleasure out of (former/oppressive majority's) assumptions about my dick size, dancing, rapping and athletic ability, i tell ya. almost makes up for the jobs and housing thing...
*** fine print ***
NiggaPrivileges (tm) subject to credit approval, the availability of vast amounts of human and natural resources in your homeland, discernible phenotypical differences from proposed oppressor race (to ensure suitability for long term enslavement), and sufficiently advanced immune systems to withstand various poxes and plagues carried by oppressors. Failure to meet all approval criteria plus any non-specified others will result in denial of your application.
NiggaPrivileges (tm)!!!
Cuz sometime, we ALL jus wanna ack lak a nigga!!!!
axe about it today!!!!