Relinquish the bad enter the GOOD!
What the heck
Is bothering me?
Relax, Relate, Release **pushes out the bad, brings in the good**
I've been doing that for weeks.
Countless weeks. My job search for New York has emerged into a living nightmare where all I do in think of jobs and how I don't have one and how I need to get the living heck out of Largo, Maryland.
The DC Metro Area in general is a relative hell basket for the career field I should be in and frankly the more I sit here and think about it, the less I can agree that DC provides the space I need to do what it is I want to do.
Thus, one needs to take hold of the good things that are present in their lives such as employment, friends, family, and knowing that God, somewhere sees that you're losing your Black mind.
In lieu of this factor, I need to go back to writing. I have completely neglected my blog and my writing responsibilties. I miss commenting on the things of then, now, and later. Most importantly I have missed key opportunities to make fun of several
moments in Black Embarassment history.
BET Awards
Hustle and Coon
Essence Magazine and its new "owners"
Ying Yang Twins
Just a slew of things that are totally hilarious.
For this I apologize.
Life sometimes hits you with a double whammy and then blows into face and giant wave of bullshit.
I just need to start living the better part of it again