When the going gets TOUGH!
The tough say fuck this!
It has been apparent to me that I must be just a woman that must be use to having less.
Being less and coming up short these days.
I work a less than gratifiying job as someone's personal bitch in Harlem.
In an environment I could care less about. Right in the middle of sucking
down the disappointment and pushing on.
Right about now. I cannot hide my feelings or lack luster desires.
I have proven that I have no interest and will continue to have no interest.
All of this, while in the midst of looking for a new job since moving here to New York.
And still coming up with blanks and no dice.
I have moved here in persuit of a dream. Fufilling my degree coupled with experience,
yet I have not done that all.
Instead I am selling myself short, barely getting by and making life hell for those around me
including my employer.
What does one do in this situation?
Give Up.
Which is right where I am about to be at this point.